I just got back from KING,S HOBBIES in AUSTIN and did I catch a goody !! I was wandering thru the store when these tired old eyes spotted a strange box ,with a strange name ,but ,a familiar product whose original price in 1990 was $24.00 . Are you all familiar with TAMIYAS (I believe it,s theirs ) P.T. 215?? Well the name on the box was MINI HOBBY MODELS /CHINA . The boat inside sure enough was the P.T.215 as sold by TAMIYA? . I got it for $17.95!!! That model in my memory ,in the well known box , has never been under $40.00 !!!! Except way back when !.I checked it out carefully and yup it,s that kit . How about that ? Never underestimate the collections corner in your L.H.S. ! Brad (THE NEW OWNER ) says he gets stuff like that all the time . They had an awesome selection of decals for 1/48 airplanes too and lots of evergreen . tankerbuilder