Hi Doc...
I'm not really a paper modeler...most of my ships are scratchbuilt, but when I saw Roman's Takao (a long time favorite ship subject) I bought it...at that point in time I actually planned on building it in paper, but figured I'd do the hull frames in plastic to give it more strength...that started me thinking my not build the whole thing from plastic?
So, I got an extra 1/350 Yamato for parts, fire control directors, AA guns, aircraft, etc., then scaled Roman's patterns down to 1/350th scale...
I have the hull framed and the deck on, but that's as far as I've gotten, other projects (money making) and the real job (promotion) have gotten in the way. Now with the holidays on top of us, nothing will get done until February...
As far as pics are concerned, I don't release any photos of my in-progress until the model is done. It drives my website partner crazy, since it takes me 6-8 months to complete a ship!!
Jeff Herne