Thought I would share some of the build particulars for the Revell 1:72 Gato Class Submarine build.
Assembled the bow sub-assembly and the stern sub-assembly today.
Mating of the components on the bow was very trouble free, and with some dry builds, and some filing/scraping, got the halves nice and tight, then I wicked in Tamiya Extra Thin. Bonded just great. The component that is inserted into the halves that joins the bow holes passage was set into the assembly without adhesive. I then used a cheapo brush and wicked in some gel CA as I could easily reach inside. Made assembly worry free, and let me concentrate on getting the halves perfectly aligned.
Stern halves went together clean and aligned, but the vertical and horizontal rudder setup took no less than 10 drybuilds to get the gaps right. There is a "topcap" of sorts that clamshells the horizontal rear diveplanes, and getting all the gaps eliminated before gluing will take a little time, but since filing/sanding access is so tight after assembly, getting it right the first time is nice!
I put quite a bit of effort getting the parts to mate, and have erased 95% of the seams without any filler, just a fine file. So far, I am very happy with the kit, very precise molding.
I also flatblocked the rudder and rear diveplanes to erase any low spots from cooling in the mold, the low spots were virtually nonexistent, but some 400 grit on a block got the surfaces perfect in just a few swipes.
I will get some pics up soon-