HI all...one of our members (SubCommittee), is doing a build of this model as we speak. Here's a link:;act=ST;f=21;t=217;st=0
His name is Ronald van Aalst, and he's photographing and discussing the aspects of the model in the above discussion thread.
You'll see from the thread that there's some inaccuracies, and some good things about the model.
I pasted the URL into a browser, and it worked fine...however, I'm a member.
If it doesn't work, navigate to:
and go to the R/C Modeler forum, and follow the "Revell VIIc shipping in holland" thread.
Merry Christmas to all...hope a Revell Type VII shows up sometime soon to complete your holiday wish list.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur :)