When we think about German battleships we naturally think the last about pre-dreadnoughts of that nation. Legend of Bismarck, Scharnhorst class sisters, pocket battleships and the battlecruisers of Kaiser's High Seas fleet instantly come to the mind. However, I think that more than any of these, SMS Schleswig-Holstein of the Deutschland class was perhaps the most "succesful" or "lucky" battleship of German nation by virtue of her battle honors and service period. ...she fired the first shots of Second World War on September 1, 1939 and continued to be active right through the end of the conflict, meeting a fighting end. Her career is almost like a symbol of 20th century Germany. I'd really like to have a model of her in 1/350. Considering how low the prospect of seeing a styrene kit, I'm even ready to swallow my hatred for resin but unfortunately this workmanly old ship seems to be forgotten even by small scale producers.
Here a link for motivation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrF5D0udkJQ