Even movies like Indiana Jones which are fun movies which I enjoy very much, have many items out of their timelines. The parts dealing with Egypt show German troops and equipment there when it was a British protectorate! Yes, its the proper German equipment, but in an improbable situation and not available at the time period of the movie. The Africa Korps wasn't formed until 1941 as was their insigna. The small arms were closer to what would have been available in 1941, not 1936. Also, until after WWII, Nepal had very restrictive entry requirements for visitors, allowing only about one dozen entry per year. The Ghurkas were not recruited in country by the British, but had to travel on foot to camps in India to join up. You have of the allowed visitors for a year in a bar owned by an American woman in a very religious country, not likely, but good story telling.
Well dang, you just ruined my impression of one heck of a great movie! Just joking, I still love
Raiders of the Lost Ark despite the inaccuracies. I suppose the flying wing was inspired by the Horten brothers wing but that aircraft was so obviously fictitious. And U-boats typically sailed on the surface rather than depicted in the movie with only the periscope above water.
As for Robin Hood, I thought it was a very well done movie with an unusual and unexpected twist on the typical Robin Hood story, but those boats were obvious non-sense! I kept expecting GI's to come out of those landing craft!