Hope that you found a decent price.
The AFV Club Cheng Kung is 3 time the price of the Academy Perry kit. I will pass.
Squadron has it at 55 in this months flier and that was what I paid at the open house. Didn't pay S&H.
I'm satisfied. A similar sized/similar complexity PE fret to that included in the AFV kit will run you 15 to 20 bucks and the resin parts will also run an additional 10 or so. At 55 its a wash with the Academy.
At 75 (as listed at other shops) its more of a difference. At full MSRP of 95 compared with the 30 online sales price of the Academy it is definately overpriced -- but you're not truely comparing apples and oranges. The MSRP of the Perry is 40 - so you're a bit over twice the price