Hi Zaf:
Just a few more notes. Ed's correct about the Burleigh, it was issued as an armed freighter, and is out again in a Revell of Germany box.
Montrose however, is based on the VC-2 Victory ship design. Fred Koster built a beautiful post war civilian Victory from that kit some time back.
Here's a good website for US Maritime Commission ships. It's a little hard to navigate. I'd suggest that for what you are looking for, use the search bar for "shipyards", enter Western Pipe, and see the list. Click on individual ships- some have a "pictures" button at the bottom, some do not.
I had the best luck with the ships whose names start with "Sea...".
If you find a Burleigh, and I haven't seen the kit, all of these Revell flatbottomed kits had really terrible guns. The 20's aren't so bad, but the 3" and 5" guns are worse than useless. And I think you'd have 40's on a C-3, as well.. I've used 1/350 resin parts from L'Arsenal or similar, and been happy with the results, if slightly overscaled. Or, you could model them the way they usually were in service- under a cover.
There's great 1/192 drawings available from Smithsonian- which work fine reduced at 50% for these projects. Actually 49%, but I get a little lazy.
There's also a generic 1/400 US Navy PE set available that has rails, radar, the aircraft cranes needed for the Pine Island, and some other basic stuff that is a good investment.
My own C-3 conversion project is a Bogue Class escort carrier.