Barring forced perspectives, probably ought to rough some of this out by calculator first.
At 1:700 a 300' deep dio is a nice 5' deep. Trickier part is that the attack separation once depth charges are laid in a pattern is about 200-300 yards (which seems long, except that, at 30 kts you are going about 990yd/minute). 300 yards at 1:700 is 15".
Depth charges are set in a pattern, a full spread could be eight depth charges on a oval sort of shape of about 25 x 50 yards.
So, we need a box probably about 6" wide, and 7 or 8 would be better. But, let's keep this a linear box. So we need 22" by 6" by 5"--or 660 cubic inches. Which the online calculator says is 23 pints, which is a lot or resin.
So, a forced perspective with either a 1:1200 surface ship or sub might fit in a 12 x 6 x 3 box, which is only 216, or 7 and a half pints of resin.
Which suggests building a plex box with "shower glass" plex for the surface, and suspending the sub by a brass rod periscope.
And this is all spoilt by the tactical reality. Your active sonar was good for about 1000 yards at a speed slow enough to get a direction track. Ok, that's not but a couple minutes at all ahead full, except that the pig boat can move 2-300 yards in that minute, and the sub can hear you the second the machinery winds up, which then trashes your sonar. So, you need to work up a bits of putative calculus as to where you thing the bogey will be in about 2 minutes so as to know where to lob your depth charges. Except you also have to allow of the sink rate of the ash cans (this after making a bet as to the depth of the sub, the detonators only having 3 to 5 depth settings).
So, your best bet is a curving track to your firing datum, and bringing that curve into a tactical turn, the better to bring your sonar dome back on target. The trick of that being that you just detonated something like 1 to 3 tons of explosives underwater, that turbulence takes time to ebb. And your sonar will "reflect" off the turbulence while it lasts. The sub will still likely be able to get your bearing by passive hydrophone until you slow significantly.
But, that would make for a complicated dio. One ship running in an attack curve, with another standing off at 1-2 miles distant, and the sub, below, anywhere below.