Started this kit last night, it looks sooooo cool. Already got the torpedoes 90% done and the hull assembled.
When building the torpedoes, I did everything EXACTLY as shown in the instructions. Nowhere do they mention opening any holes in the torpedo sides. BUT...when you go a couple of pages ahead, *magically* the illustrations show 2 holes for use in mounting the torpedoes to the arms that stick out from the hull.
My question is, if anyone has NOT built the kit yet, do your torpedo halves have dimples or whatever inside to drill out? ( Just curious so if they are there I can bang my head even harder on the workbench!) Or, if you have built a Seehund and ran into the same problem I have, how did you fix it? The problem for me is that I have to figure some way to get both holes drilled in the exact correct spot, which will keep all the valves on top of the torpedo perfectly lined up....not to mention that the mounting pegs are SQUARE, so the hole will have to be square too, sheesh...
Any help will be appreciated. Failing that, anybody got some good pics of a Seehund with the torpedoes being fitted on, at a dock or something? Might be diorama time for me!
Michael Lee Smith