It's not FSM doing it. Another reason for the red X's is probably the practice of hot linking, which can be a real issue because if you are doing it extensively in a picture-heavy post you are are, in effect, stealing from other people's websites by using their bandwidth without paying for it. Many websites prohibit the practice, some are more overt about it than others, but most will shut off hot linking as soon as they notice it. What is happening, basically is that every time someone here at FSM opens up one of your posts, that has links to photos from a bunch of other websites, is that those photos are pulled from those websites using the bandwidth (internet access) that those websites are paying for. The cost per photo can be small, sure, but over time it can be considerable. Many sites prohibit the practice outright.
The polite thing to do is 1) Ask permission to use the photo, if permission isn't already given somewhere on the website, 2) Credit the website it came from in your post, 3) Upload the photos to your own site, such as Photobucket for lots of pictures, 4) Link to the pictures from there, so it is YOUR bandwidth that is being used up, not the original website's.
I like to present stories with attached pictures. However, this practice has come under criticism for using someone's elses bandwith in posting pictures. I have followed the suggestions, especially from mfsob, which I appreciate, by using the Flickr hosting web site to move pictures to the Forum and giving proper credit where credit is due. In my last posting on the story of the location of the CSS PEEDEE wreck, Flickr has removed the three pictures I selected. Can anyone explain to me why Flickr removed these pictures from the Forum ? You help is appreciated.
Montani semper liberi ! Happy modeling to all and every one of you.
My as a former website administrator. We now return you to your regular modeling activities.