Felix C.
Here is a list from different sources. Does this match the one in Warship 2009?
1. HMS York by MTM. Ship previously damaged
2. Tanker Pericles by MTM
3. HMS Manchester by MS16 & MS22
4. Freighter Glenorchy by MS31. Ship previously damaged
5. Freighter Almeria Lakes by MAS 554
6. Freighter Wairangi by MAS 557
7. Freighter Sydney Star by MAS 532
8. Soviet Freighter Abkhaziya of 5000 tons, Mas 571
9. Soviet Freighter Gruziya of10,000tons, MTSM 210
10. Soviet cruiser Molotov (Kirov class) by MAS 568
11. HMS Eridge by MTSM
12. HMS Capetown by MAS213
13. Soviet submarine SHCH-214 by Mas 571