Hello, I am currently building the old Monogram USS Ramsey. It has a dish type antenna on the rear of teh superstructure that I am trying to pin down for reference.
You can see it here on my kit as the smaller dish between the missile launcher and the missile fire ontrol radar. The kit part has the detail of a spinning top (disc with a small point)
On this photo of the same area of the real ship in her 1980s fitting, it appears to be a SATCOM antenna. (poinitng skywards aft of the Missile FCR)
But I am building the kit as molded in her late 60s fitting, so even if it is some kind of microwave/SATCOM antenna, the type changed. Can anyone here identify the type of antenna and steer me towards a good reference of the original antenna type? I have looked at plenty of spots (USS Ramsey's website, Navsource, etc) but am not coming up with anything so far.
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton