I do not recall Olympia in anything other than white. BTW it's been re-released...for $100!!! Matchbox made airplane models for a while in multi-colors, but I'm being tongue-in-cheek here because the results were really frightening. I have a Privateer in my stash- the wings are dark blue, the fuselage is garish turquoise blue and most of the rest is white etc.
Any of the recent Trumpeter kits fit the bill. The lower hull comes molded a reasonable dark red, and the uppers gray. But if you are going to spend that kind of money, a few simple added steps are called for. The Liberty ships would make the grade unpainted, although the first thing I did was lower the waterline quite a bit.
Don't devalue what you can to with spray cans. Like Don mentioned, one coat of something is pretty much necessary or the plastic will really look too basic.
Naval ships obviously can be pretty straight forward. "Haze gray and underway" and figure out how to paint the red parts. A can of rustoleum primer, and a suitable light gray. Two spray cans, a little tape and reasonable results.
If you are a young modeler or mentoring one, this is a good start. Skills grow with practice. Good luck!