Quite a list of questions.
The Alanger I have no idea.
The Bronco ships are not very good kits. The details are rough etc. I have not tackled the PE but the masts and spars are really pretty crude, and all need to be replaced. I also think thats true for the boat frames. I am dissappointed in the kit and am in a bit of a funk about how much time to spend fixing it. Initial idea is to do that.
The Borodino is worth as much time as you are willing to devote to her. The end result is a piece that is the centerpart of any good collection of predreadnaughts.
Trust me on this.
It's a very hard model to make right. I spent a year in research and a four month build, but she is my pride and sits over my monitor in my study.
I do not like real wood decks.