If we are talking 1/700, one of the "panzer" greys can work, if if has a blue cast to it (I can't remember XF-63 is bluish at all); some of the "Luftwaffe blues" might suffice at smaller scales.
And using two similar, but different shades is probably a good way to contrast wood decks versus metal decks and furniture.
I know that BB35 USS Texas, as presently painted, from standing on the deck, it has a charcoal sort of cast, and is a lighter hue than the vertical Sea Blue surfaces. But, if you go aloft, the main deck gets "bluer" and tints as if darker. Now, TP&W did not have wartime paint when they repainted, so, what they used was as close a match as they could afford (and is an on-going bone-of-contention for the Ship's Manager, who wants historically-accurate appearance, just, in budget for materials, and in budget for labour).
That's my 2¢, for using available tamiya acrylics in small scale, at least--others' will differ.