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A message from Captain Isaac Hull - 1812

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    July 2012
A message from Captain Isaac Hull - 1812
Posted by Captain Isaac Hull on Saturday, July 21, 2012 12:09 PM

July 21, 1812


My name is Captain Isaac Hull. 

My crew has been hard at work for several months, re-fittitng my fine ship the USS Constitution. Obviously, in preparation for the coming war with Great Britain. Our work has been well executed, carefully done, studious to our limits and rewarding in all manner.

Our work has been accurate... but not always to the impressive detail found here. Not nearly! My compliments to the builder! Most capital! 

Our work is fine enough for a landlubber, such as my contemporary counterpart, who has been assisting me with construction and posting my correspondence on this "internet".

Evidence of our progress, as a photographic journal, written in my voice, and from my perspective on such progress, albeit novice in historic accuracy, can be found on Facebook (see below)

In addition, further content relevant to the period can also be found here. Including photographs, videos and written content. Please feel free to experience my devotion to my fine ship ... and to suggest changes to content if you see fit. I could use the help!

Fare thee well and God bless America.


Captain Isaac Hull

USS Constitution.

U.S. Naval shipyards

Norfolk, Virginia.



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