Converting the Zvezda "Sirius" to a Thames paddle tug in 1:100.
Hello to all,
I purchased a Zvezda "Sirius" on ebay a short time ago. I am fully aware of the lineage of the kit, so I am not surprised that it would be difficult to produce a decent model of the famous 1837 S.S. Sirius using it. However, it might be possible to build it up to a decent representation of a larger Thames paddle tug, ca. 1840. Are there any decent references on this topic? Does anyone know how the particulars of towing were addressed in the day?
The impression that I have gathered so far is that that many of the larger Thames paddle steamers were equipped with a single gaff mounted (but loose footed) fore-and-aft sail on a foremast set fairly close to the paddle housings. I have also gathered that this sail was set to keep the boat on an even keel, thereby preventing snaking. This simple rig would be an excellent match for my current rigging skills. It is also apparent that some tugs were not equipped with any sails at all:
This particular tug does sport a bowspirit, though
I suppose that I might slice up the hull a bit, to produce one with a flat bottom and slab sides, but approached ends. On the other hand, it might be fun to retain the kit's more modern hull form, and use some styrene strips to produce a clinker hull:
Best regards, Tom