Yes , and let it age at least a week !
My first wife once made a pot so strong , no one , even I , couldn't drink it . We used wooden stirrers at the time ,on the patio and I saw what it did to the wood and saved the whole pot that was left (before she threw it out ) and let it stand in the garage for a week . I stirred it up and dropped a whole bag of stirrers in the pan .Wow , ash colored planks !
Two days later aged teak .So there ya go . Try it . This works real well if you get a brand called " LOUISIANE ". (It has Chicory in it )It may not be available where you live . If so use " Chock full O Nuts " brand . Folgers works too .Just takes longer . P.S . You still didn't say if you'd get the little fishes out of my boots , I got them pesky leeches !