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I need feedback on carronade side tackle.

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  • Member since
    April 2006
  • From: ON, Canada
Posted by jgeratic on Sunday, October 20, 2013 5:33 AM

It's an interesting era, and though I've built a few models on the subject, I've never paid that much attention to the minute details.  All I can offer is some pics, from which I might say the tackle set up is slightly oversize?   You could move back the attachment point at the rear of the carronade about the width of the current eyelet.



  • Member since
    November 2005
  • From: Formerly Bryan, now Arlington, Texas
Posted by CapnMac82 on Sunday, October 20, 2013 1:33 AM

Well, the answer is "It depends."  

I you are planning on adding the breechrope, and the recovery tackles, then, yes, your train tackle probably ought be snubbed up closer to its eye bolts.

If you are going for only what's aboard now (just the train tackle) then, that bit of detail in the bent wire hooks is ok.

Yours to model, though.

  • Member since
    June 2012
Posted by arnie60 on Sunday, October 20, 2013 12:49 AM

The side tackle helps swivel the gun left and right.The breech tackle, which I have yet to add, is for the recoil. What I need help w/ is the best way to run the side tackle in terms of materials and tips, tricks, for connecting everything, not how many runs to make. But thank you for your input. BTW.. I have decided to go w/ the single and double block rigging.

I am guessing, but I surmise that when the guns were fired, that the breech tackle prevented the gun from coming far enough back to do a straight muzzle load, so they used the side tackle to swing it to one side for loading and swing it back to fire as well as for aiming. [anyone feel free to jump in and educate me on this.]

  • Member since
    June 2013
  • From: Jax, FL
Posted by Viejo on Saturday, October 19, 2013 10:38 PM
Right now it is set up with 2:1, adding another run thru the double would make it 3:1, a more functional set of tackle. Is it supposed to restrain the guns' recoil, or is it meant to roll out the gun for first shot and then retreival after reload? If the former, 2:1 works but you'll need to belay the tail. If the latter, 3:1 is more realistic (in usage). In both cases, both sides of the gun will require tackle.

Can't wait for more pics whatever your decision.

  • Member since
    June 2012
I need feedback on carronade side tackle.
Posted by arnie60 on Saturday, October 19, 2013 1:58 PM

I would really appreciate some input, feedback on doing the side tackle for the carronades on my Connie. Pic  below is a practice run, but it just doesn't look quite right to me.  Suggestions? Tricks? This was quite an arduous project for me just to get the one setup, but I can't let go of it. One thing I thought of is just doing two single blocks instead of a single and a double. Not far enough back for the connect to the carronade carriage? I used twist ties to strop the blocks w/. It really seems a bit too large for the scale, but it is fairly easy to work w/ and I could not find any smaller diameter wire at the local hobby or train store or even Radio Shack that wasn't too stiff to work w/. So


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