I've got a 1/180 HMS Victory, 1/350 Tirpitz, 1/400 HMS Hood, and have been none too subtley hinting at Tamiya's 1/350 USS Enterprise that Model Expo has on sale this month($99.99) for my birthday in March. I've got a lot of planes, some armor and space as well. I build whatever gets my attention seeing as it has it for so long. I'm partial to the Kearsarge as well. A couple yrs back (nearly 10) we had 3 kittens named for ships-(Chester A) Nimitz Dwight (D Eisenhower), Arizona Mitscher, and Kearsarge Thomas(just so many ships with that as part of the name).
Funny how if you wait around stuff gets re-released. I pick up cheap kits and go all out. I'm picky and will spend weeks on something like a pack or dog collar. So I make my own detail to the point I replace a lot. I spend $2 on a kit and research and fuss over it forever. The dog handler dio is like that. I spent $10 for a figure and dog(Verlinden on sale), $20 for S. Stanton's US Army Uniforms of the Vietnam War, $10 Squadron/Signal's Airborne in action, $15 for a book on Elite Forces Insignia, $20 for M. Lemesh's War Dogs, probably that much on a video documentry( X mas gift from Mom no idea the cost) and bought a infantry weapons set to replace a badly molded .45 and a incorrect shotgun with a correct M16, plus misc.odds and ends for the landscaping. Time wise, 6 months waiting on books, 1 for the weapons set on back order, and it will be either 5 or 6 yrs Thanksgiving( I've lost track) since I started.
I'm into animals period. The only one I don't like is the snake. I've got a mix dog (husky, terrier, maybe collie by looks). He was dumped out as a puppy at our neighbors. He was about the size of a cat(the neighbor thought he was a skunk) and now likely tops 70lbs. Currently we have a blk/tan hound with us, too. Either she was dumped, lost or just wandered in. No tags. She can stay if no one claims her or really wants to give her a good home.
Actually I tend to be a cat person(critical and aloof). Over the years we've had between 8-50 at any given time down on the farm. Whatever I have I tend to fuss over it. The potbellied pig does tricks, the oppossum was litter trained, the gerbils had leashes, the disabled tomcat was cooked for... Yes I'm one of those crazy people.