Aha !! tricky title , right ?
Well I was looking for 5"-38 open guns for a 1/96 scale ship .Couldn't find any that,if good enough,I could afford , or they were just plain awful!
Enter the Rail-Road Museum where I sit on the board and hold the dubious title of " Vice-President-Modeling " . I was playing , yes playing, with the H.O. trains in the front room when I noticed something .
There was a military train sitting on a siding. It had a funny looking box-car. I picked it up and one side fell open . Well , to my surprise there were a pair of ( slightly oversize for the scale) large guns .
They were , needless to say , 5"-38 open guns! Complete to the training and layers stations and controls! Wow ! I'd found my guns .
I contacted the manufacturer of the car and was able to procure a dozen of these fine beasties !Now , let this be a lesson .Even if you build O.O.B. sometimes you have to look outside the box to find what you want .
Don't think for one minute that the box is all you have . You can do this and bump your models up a whole complete level and not have to create every little piece .Just keep your eyes open and your brain receptive to this way of thinking .
P.S. The guns turned out to be 1/90 scale or very close .Sure look great on the ship ( At least the client likes them )