English has a lot of base languages, in no particular order, Latin, 'Angle-ish' Saxon, Danish, Celtish, Norman, Huguenot, French, German, & many more.
Then there is dialect, Old Northumbrian, (Norse) is very close to Danish/Icelandic for example.
Then there are 12 different ways of pronouncing -ough, cough is not the same as brough! (Kof & Bruff)
Animals in the field are Angle-Saxon = pig, cow, animals on the plate are Norman = pork, beef etc. Brits don't speak French though.
The OED has a lexicon of 5 MILLION + words, so we always have many more than just one word for descriptions, and then we have many different meanings for each word, just for fun.
It took an expat Frenchman living in England to invent the Thesaurus, though...
Reflecting my ... Heritage, I speak or understand:
British, English, German, Sasch-ish, Restaurant Italian, Rude French, Microsoft (!), txt-spk, a lot of 'teen & a lot of... rubbish!