That landing mat also did one other thing--it would "smooth" a sea slightly.
Choppy seas were the anathema for capital ship scout planes. Operations at sea complicating things. Might be perfect flying weather in the mornings, but not so, some 6, 7 hours' later. Which leaves the brownshoes in a bit of a pickle. Tough to get 'home' if the seas are too rough.
So, many answers were dreamt up--heaving to with a sea anchor to make a lee; pumping oil to calm the troubled waters, floating nets, and the like.
The hook on the landing floats was a problem, too, sometimes tearing the nets, sometimes ripping a hole in the float(s).
You also wanted some burly BM's out to the plane to help make up the slings for hoisting. So, you need to send a whaleboat or barge out to the plane. So, the seas need to be calm enough for boat operations.
So, we have a bunch of people over the side. We've got booms and boats rigged out. The stuff of peace rime exercises, and eclipsed by the operations speed needed in wartime..