I was able to repair any bubbling by simply making a cut with a sharp #11 X-Acto blade along an affected deck seam, lift the bubbled deck and lightly brush Tacky Glue underneath, then pressing it down. I have had no further bubbling or any discoloration since. The sliced seam does not show.
One problem that I have seen among certain builders who try to paint their decks is that they have difficulty painting straight lines adjacent to deck fittings or bulkheads due to limitations of skill or other physical limitations. It is easy to argue that this can be corrected by skilful masking, but people with disabilities with motor skills or visual problems might not have the ability to finely mask fine deck details. In cases such as these, wood decks could be a solution by which they can turn out better models.
Others might simply prefer them to simplify the building process. Who knows? There are many justifications to use wood veneer decks. Just be aware that they can present some problems of their own.