I haven't used all the manufacturers by any means. Here is my take based on my limited experience, all in 1/700:
1) Tom's Modelworks generally has good sets, fairly complete, but the instructions are marginal, at best. It's hard enough trying to build a 1/700 sub, for instance, without trying to figure out that those itty-bitty pieces on the PE fret are actually cleats for the sub deck ... let alone where those cleats go ...
2) Gold Medal Models is outstanding in all respects. Everything you (or at least me) could want for a particular kit, detailed AND clear instructions. I've never had any issues with any of his products.
3) White Ensign Models frets can be beyond complete, and their instructions are generally quite good. If anything, sometimes the frets have too many things crammed in, making it hard to get at the piece you want.
Manufacturer's PE that comes with the kit can range from decent to truly awful. I got a small PE fret with a Pitroad Japanese seaplane tender. Not only was it stainless steel, and hard as hell to cut, but the instructions for it were vague AND in Japanese. The Loose Cannon Productions kits I've built have generally good PE, if a little thick on the railings, but again, sometimes vague instructions.