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Like many, I've returned to this hobby after a long hiatus. While I've built several aircraft, this is the first ship I've worked on since I was a kid. Actually, this is a rescue from the shelf of doom. My classic Revell USS Arizona has been in dry dock for a long time. Anyway, I have the anti-fouling and boot painted and just recently painted the deck. Now, I'm masking the deck to paint the superstructure, hull, barbettes, and various bits and bobs on deck. Whew! I just finished masking the after deck and am working forward-lots of little bits of tape. Anyone have any tips to make this easier? Let me say I am always impressed by the talent here. You folks are true masters.
On the bench: Revell-USS Arizona; Airfix P-51D in 1/72
cut the deck railings off 1st.
this is my 1/429 scale Arizona kitbash http://www.shipmodels.info/mws_forum/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=165105
OMG my favorite part of modeling.
Put down a 9mm wide piece of tape about a foot long on your mat.
Cut them in 1/4" lengths.
Start somewhere and just put 'em down one at a time all around the base of everything.
Then fill in with bigger pieces of blue tape.
Modeling is an excuse to buy books.
I try to avoid as much masking as possible. I paint the hull first, which of course takes some masking. Next, I paint the deck, before putting anything on it. I do not bother to mask off small details like like bits and and such, hand painting it after the deck is done. Then, I paint each subassembly, like deckhouses superstructure and masts when complete but before adding them to the deck. Sometimes I leave off the upper deck of a subassembly and add it after the subassembly is painted, and handbrush any exposed edge. Doing it this way avoids a lot of masking.
Don Stauffer in Minnesota
Chemteacher So....lots of little pieces of tape it is. Still, it’s fun.
The masking itself is okay. The part I hate is discarding the used small pieces. I can't get it off my fingers. I pick it off the fingers of one hand, but then it sticks to the fingers in the other hand. So I go back with the first hand and... and so on ad infinitem.
I use tweezers and/or toothpicks and restick the used pieces on a piece of card stock.
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