There was an article in a very old issue of scale ship modeler [?] by Ron santos on making a set of cage masts in his conversion of the Oregon to the Massachusetts . IIRC, it involved making a set of discs of the appropriate diameters wirh holes drilled around the perimeters. The holes were matched to the wire diameter in use (times 2). I forget how many. It's research time. The discs are held in a fixture at the appropriate distance. I don't remember the correct running pattern, but for example the wires run from say 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock, 1 to 4, 2 to 5, etc. Them they run in the opposite twist from 12 to 9, 11 to 8, etc.
While it may be less satisfying than looming your own, there are 3D printed cage masts, in the correct configuration for each particular ship. 3D Modelparts used to make them as did BlueRidge models. Iron Shipwrights has just announced their inclusion in their products. Of course check with Shapeways. The 3D ones are more accurate too, as the solid discs were not prototypical an there are lashings where each wire course crosses another