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Need Part for Blue Devil Destroyer (Lindberg)

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  • Member since
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  • From: SW Florida
Need Part for Blue Devil Destroyer (Lindberg)
Posted by fuzznoggin on Friday, November 11, 2022 1:53 PM

Does anyone have a Blue Devil lying on a shelf that is half rotted or chewed up by furry critters and would be willing to part out one double tub assembly that mounts midway up the forward smoke stack?   It's part #19 on the instructions.

I had been going at this pretty good, with great aspirations, and now I found I am shy one part.  I bought this off evilBay as an opened box for a mere $55.  The more I work on this, the more I realize that it's nothing more than a futile attempt at turning a toy into an accurate model.  

I could scratch build the missing part, but just checking to see if anyone has any parts.  Round 2 Models, who bought Lindberg, doesn't have any parts for kits prior to 2008.

Can anyone help out?


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