Hi all - to introduce myself - Steve based in London. The last ship I built was at the grand old age of 20 and it was a buggers muddle to say the least! At 62 i felt the urge to occupy mind and creativity and chose an easy project to start with the Heller Soleil Royal!
However there is a twist as i should also add that I have been a fan of Herges adventures of Tintin since I was a small child. I have always wanted to own a model of the Unicorn and in the abscence of a commercial purchase realised that Herge to a greater or lesser extent seems to have modelled the Unicorn on the SR or something very similar.
Therfore I am modifying my build to resemble the Unicorn in colour and small changes (like the figurehead)
Being effectively a novice I thought I would share my build on this forum and hope to profit from some advice from older, wiser and more talented heads if you can spare me the time.
Please bear in mind that I haven't touched glue,paint brushes at this detail in close on 40 years so be gentle with me!
Anyways some picture so far - the vast bulk of putting this together I feel quite confident about - rigging and attaching sails, yard arms etc is scaring the living crap out of me!