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Wooden ship modeling - I hope I'm not in over my head

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  • From: Forest Hill, Maryland
Wooden ship modeling - I hope I'm not in over my head
Posted by cwalker3 on Saturday, September 16, 2023 11:28 AM

Starting to get bored with modeling so I decided to branch out a little and try out wooden ship modeling. I figure since I've been modeling for over 20 years and I used to be a woodworker, I thought this would be a good next step. So after doing some Googling I headed over to Model-Expo and picked up Model Shipways three kit beginners package.

The first one out of the gate is the Grand Banks Dory. This is in 1/24 scale. I run into a problem right at the start when I find out they sent me the instructions in Spanish. So while I wait for a new set to come in the mail, I'm working off of the instructions on their website. So far I've built the frames and now I'm finishing up gluing up the bottom to the frames. Waiting for glue to dry is boring as all get out but it's good to get my hands back into woodworking, even if it is just balsa wood. Here's where I am so far.



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  • From: Twin cities, MN
Posted by missileman2000 on Sunday, September 17, 2023 8:35 AM

What glue are you using?  On wood you can use oll fashioned model airplane glue.

  • Member since
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Posted by Greysteele on Sunday, September 17, 2023 9:10 AM

Check out the nice folks over at Ships of Scale ( They are primarily wooden ship builders and a quick search turned up several threads about that same exact kit. Lots of good advice and techniques to be gleaned there. Good luck with your build!

"In polite society, we call our obsessions hobbies." – Stephen King

  • Member since
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  • From: Mansfield, TX
Posted by EdGrune on Sunday, September 17, 2023 9:16 AM

Check some of the wood working YouTubes/Instagrams and go to some of the wood shops, Rockler, Woodcraft, etc. 

They will often use a often use a fast drying PVA wood glue such as TiteBond augmented with CA with an accelerator as a clamp until the glue dries

  • Member since
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  • From: Forest Hill, Maryland
Posted by cwalker3 on Sunday, September 17, 2023 10:09 AM


What glue are you using?  On wood you can use oll fashioned model airplane glue.


You mean good ole tube glue?



  • Member since
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  • From: Forest Hill, Maryland
Posted by cwalker3 on Sunday, September 17, 2023 10:11 AM


Check out the nice folks over at Ships of Scale ( They are primarily wooden ship builders and a quick search turned up several threads about that same exact kit. Lots of good advice and techniques to be gleaned there. Good luck with your build!


Thanks for the link. I'll check them out.




  • Member since
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  • From: Forest Hill, Maryland
Posted by cwalker3 on Sunday, September 17, 2023 10:46 AM


Check some of the wood working YouTubes/Instagrams and go to some of the wood shops, Rockler, Woodcraft, etc. 

They will often use a often use a fast drying PVA wood glue such as TiteBond augmented with CA with an accelerator as a clamp until the glue dries


Without Youtube I would indeed be lost.



  • Member since
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  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, September 17, 2023 11:06 AM

Hi Gary!

     Those kits are okay for sure. Mine allowed me to turn to Acrylic Sheet. Yup! I got sheet thin as I could, and built according to their plans and even R.Cd a few.

    I had a seemingly inexhaustibla supply of the stuff, cause when I did my Last Court Use Commission, it had to be large ,R.C.d and to get the materials sized right I had to buy in bulk!

     I built the Wood ones later and they were a blast!

  • Member since
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  • From: Canada
Posted by sharkbait on Sunday, September 17, 2023 1:11 PM

Re "Ships of Scale"

Great site...there's my afternoon shot to hell as I explore it.

You have never been lost until you've been lost at Mach 3!

  • Member since
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  • From: Twin cities, MN
Posted by missileman2000 on Monday, September 18, 2023 7:34 AM




What glue are you using?  On wood you can use oll fashioned model airplane glue.




You mean good ole tube glue?


Yep.I think that Lepage is still available forget, forget which others.


  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Monday, September 18, 2023 11:33 AM

Welcome aboard. You are taking the right approach, working on larger scale models. Interested to hear what the other kits are that you have on the list. The skipjack is a nice kit.

I like solid hull kits as the level of difficulty of assembly is a lot less than p-o-b.

I'm a little confused by the glue discussion and not sure if Don was clear. I don't think he meant model airplane glue for styrene models. Don does build wooden model airplanes too, I think he might have meant a glue like Ambroid.

I use CA a lot. If you'll be painting the wood it works well' but if you are planning on a clear stain it can be too visible.

Tip on the wood- your kit it made of basswood. It's a hardwood such as linden, with little to no discernable grain. It's easy to get from either online sources, or many hardware stores. I've even found it at CVS. Quality varies of course.

Balsa, which you aren't using, is to be avoided. It cuts, sands and paints poorly.

I look foward to progress of the dory.Mmmm, fish n' chips!




 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
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  • From: Forest Hill, Maryland
Posted by cwalker3 on Monday, September 18, 2023 4:58 PM


Welcome aboard. You are taking the right approach, working on larger scale models. Interested to hear what the other kits are that you have on the list. The skipjack is a nice kit.

I like solid hull kits as the level of difficulty of assembly is a lot less than p-o-b.

I'm a little confused by the glue discussion and not sure if Don was clear. I don't think he meant model airplane glue for styrene models. Don does build wooden model airplanes too, I think he might have meant a glue like Ambroid.

I use CA a lot. If you'll be painting the wood it works well' but if you are planning on a clear stain it can be too visible.

Tip on the wood- your kit it made of basswood. It's a hardwood such as linden, with little to no discernable grain. It's easy to get from either online sources, or many hardware stores. I've even found it at CVS. Quality varies of course.

Balsa, which you aren't using, is to be avoided. It cuts, sands and paints poorly.

I look foward to progress of the dory.Mmmm, fish n' chips!





That makes sense about the glue. I was thinking Testors red tube, but I also know of Ambroid so thanks for clearing that up.

As far as what's next, I bought a three kit set that takes you step by step from the easiest boat to the hardest so that you learn as you go. Besides the dory, the other two kits are a sailing pram and a lobster smack. All three by Model Shipways.



  • Member since
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Posted by GMorrison on Monday, September 18, 2023 5:54 PM

Oh I saw that on Model Expo. Good choices!



 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
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  • From: Twin cities, MN
Posted by missileman2000 on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 8:16 AM


Oh I saw that on Model Expo. Good choices!




Yes, those models are, in my opinion, far better than the European kits

  • Member since
    November 2021
Posted by on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 1:46 PM

Great choices for kits!

As for glue, I've built all kinds of wooden ship models.  I almost exclusively use Elmer's glue, the stuff we all used in school.  It's water-based, so it can be disassembled easily.  it dries fast.  And it dries clear.  And it bonds wood stronger than the wood itself.

I have friends who swear by Titebond, but that can only be debonded with alcohol, which I think is a pain to work with.  Everything else about it is the same as the white (PVA) glue.



  • Member since
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Posted by Luvspinball on Thursday, December 21, 2023 8:59 AM

If you are getting into wooden ships, the NRG sells a half-hull planking practicum that takes you through all the steps needed to do planking on wooden ships.  You can also join their growing ranks by visiting their website.  They are the largest "club" in IPMS.



Bob Frysztak


Current builds:  Revell 1/96 USS Constitution with extensive scratch building

  • Member since
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Posted by missileman2000 on Thursday, December 21, 2023 10:04 AM

Amazon now is offering some very cheap small wood ship kits at very reasonable prices.  I bought a Chinese junk for 13 bucks.  Still building it, but am satisfied. Based on that I bought a larger shooner for 20 bucks.  Haven't sarted it yet but looking at the kit it looks about the same quality as the junk.

These kits come in plastic bags and the instructions are very sparse.  The junk instructions were all in some Asian font, but the drawings were clear enough to build the model.  The neat thing about the junk is that the planks were laser cut so no spiling was needed.  In the schooner the planks are just stripwood, so spiling will be required.  But at that price if you end up throwing the kit out before finishing, you will have learned a lot.  The kits are plank on bulkhead.

The most popular brand is gawegm, but there are several.  They seem to be much alike- maybe made in some common shops with a good laser machine.


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Posted by Eugene Rowe on Wednesday, January 3, 2024 5:42 PM

Wooden ship building can be rewarding ! animated gif hosting

  • Member since
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Posted by Bugatti Fan on Monday, February 5, 2024 11:06 AM

Model Shipworld is another good forum for wooden shipo modeling advice.

  • Member since
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  • From: Twin cities, MN
Posted by missileman2000 on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 7:56 AM


Amazon now is offering some very cheap small wood ship kits at very reasonable prices.  I bought a Chinese junk for 13 bucks.  Still building it, but am satisfied. Based on that I bought a larger shooner for 20 bucks.  Haven't sarted it yet but looking at the kit it looks about the same quality as the junk.

These kits come in plastic bags and the instructions are very sparse.  The junk instructions were all in some Asian font, but the drawings were clear enough to build the model.  The neat thing about the junk is that the planks were laser cut so no spiling was needed.  In the schooner the planks are just stripwood, so spiling will be required.  But at that price if you end up throwing the kit out before finishing, you will have learned a lot.  The kits are plank on bulkhead.

The most popular brand is gawegm, but there are several.  They seem to be much alike- maybe made in some common shops with a good laser machine.



There are now a few youtube video builds of those kits. One is the kit I am working on, the Chinese Junk. The builder is doing a lot more mods, while mine will be pretty much out-of-box (0r, in this case out of bag, a charactoristict of these kits.)


  • Member since
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Posted by rob44 on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 10:54 AM

I also started with the 3 ship series from model expo. Just finished the Sailing pram. Dont forget if you finish the Dory, take a picture and send  it to them they will give you full credit (including shipping costs) of the price of the dory for your next kit.

The ship of scales and Model Shipworld modeling sites are invaluable and have lots of friendly people and build log for so many of these models.



  • Member since
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  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Thursday, February 8, 2024 7:32 AM

Mr Walker!

    Hi, don't feel that way. Question ?-Did you ever have Wood Shop or are a part time DIY'er? If so, you just sit, cup of preferred beverage, sipping slowly, review what you have learned about Wood. It's a living testament to humankind, that if we apply ourselves, some of our Wood creations are far more beautiful than we thought we could do. Do It and take frequent breaks.You won't be sorry!


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