- Member since
December 2003
- From: 37deg 40.13' N 95deg 29.10'W
Posted by scottrc
on Monday, December 27, 2004 7:50 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by philp
You got to remember, Jake is in New Orleans. I remember when I lived in Biloxi, MS, it snowed one day, melted before it hit the ground, and they still closed the schools.
Moved to Duluth, MN, Chicapee Falls, MA, Great Falls, MT and now Salt Lake so have actually seen a little snow.
Hey, I'm originally from Great Falls Never had a lot of snow, we used to joke that because the wind blows so hard, that when the snows starts to fall in Great Falls, it actually lands in Chicago.
Here in the midwest, it was a brown, yet very cold Christmas. Made a great day to curl up at the building table.