Oh, brother does this one bring back memories! It's an old Monogram kit, from the late fifties or early sixties. I have no idea when it last appeared - but if yours has a Revell label it must be fairly recent. Monogram and Revell merged only a few years ago.
As I remember, it isn't a bad replica of an LCPR. (My memory is not to be relied upon, though; I don't think I've seen the kit for at least thirty years.) I do remember one feature of it that probably is unique in the history of scale modeling. The scuba tanks on the backs of the UDT swimmers (they weren't called SEALS in those days) were molded in halves, and the modeler was instructed to use plenty of glue in cementing them together - so they'd be watertight, and the figures would float. Mine spent some quality time in the bathtub.
Youth, talent, hard work, and enthusiasm are no match for old age and treachery.