Their 1/350 version is one of my birthday gifts. I'll be a 56 yr old kid on the 11th. I guess I'm about 4 years behind the times on Trumpeter releases but I've always wanted to build her in a larger scale than my old Revell 1/426. I was wondering if anyone makes detail parts aside from the typical PE sets?
I saw an "Ultimate Arizona PE Set" from White Ensign listed at the Pac Front site and wanted to get more details -- cheesy pun -- but for some strange reason I lose my net connection when I try to link to WEM.
I know the deal here is like $30 for the kit and maybe twice that for detailing but I can't really fork over the big $$ for something like the Iron Shipwright resin kit unless I want to spend some time in the dog house. Any suggestions/souces to enhance this kit would be appreciated.