The actual kit will be as easy as the Titanic. Aside from the
yards, it has fewer parts but the parts are typical Revell in that they
are made of soft plastic and have flash and pinholes in them.
Since she is twelve, let her go with it and build as much as she
wants. The rigging doesn't have to be that of a completed ship
and the sails can be glued on. Then again, the rigging might be
what she may enjoy the most.
A good kit to start on before this one would be either the Santa Maria
or the Bounty. Both ships are about the same size and quality,
but have a lot less yards, spars, and masts to rig and are good to
practice on. However, I know how she feels, when I was about 9 or
10, I had to build the Constitution, no other model would substitute,
and even though it was way past my skill level and looked like it went
through a hurricane when I was finished, I loved building it and it got
me hooked forever on sailing ships.