Sorry I forgot to put captions following the pics.
For the Pamir, I just wanted to show what happened when I was polishing it. I was using my gorilla hands and the stern kinda went snap! It is salvagable.
As for the Santa Maria. The photo was taken following my first coat following the white out. As I thoug, this paint job is going better. Getting more of the color that I wanted. Flat earth, red brown and than a very diluted mix of the 2 colors plus some red and yellow to balance the upper and lower hull colors. I am now using Future between coats to bring out the depth.
Thank you all for your kind comments. It does feel good to hear someone say that they are looking good. Funny part is that I am basically nly showing the hulls. This has taken over 1 month to do these. I figure at this rate, By 2010, I will be able to start the standing rigging.