I agree with jwintjes - for a couple of reasons. In the first place, I built most of those old Revell 1/720 kits when they were new, and the hull parts didn't fit well back then either. In the second place, though my own tastes tend toward waterline warships and I don't normally pay much attention to the fit of the lower hull halves, most reviews of such kits that I read nowadays comment that the top and bottom of the hull don't fit together right. That seems to be the case even with the big, expensive Trumpeter 1/350 kits. Here are just three examples, from the FSM Workbench Review Archives:
Trumpeter 1/350 North Carolina - Oct., 2005
Trumpeter 1/350 Hornet - April, 2003
Dragon 1/700 Bismarck - Nov., 2004
It's pretty clear that the idea of molding the top and bottom hull halves in separate molds just isn't a good one.
I don't fault those old Revell designers for not having solved the problem. My point was that the manufacturers of today ought to be able to deal with it. Airfix had the right idea - almost thirty years ago. When that company dropped out of the warship field it was producing some really nice, well-engineered kits. It's a shame there haven't been any more. I see, though, that Airfix has produced a new, 1/600 Queen Mary 2. Does anybody in the Forum know whether it has the full-hull/waterline option like the Belfast, Repulse, etc. did?
Youth, talent, hard work, and enthusiasm are no match for old age and treachery.