Hi, all!
Here is a list of the kits of sailing ships Heller produced.
In this list, you can find the scale, the first year of production.
s-h means : same hull, as you know, several Heller models have the same hull.
I do not have informations about some models, marked ???
The informations can be found in J.C. Carbonel's book "Heller - la maquette à la française"
I give you the informations, because the book is only available in French, and will not be published in English. (Histoire & Collections editor)
In this list, you can find too some wooden models, produced in 1998, and a paper model.
Albatros ??? 1962 ex-Pyro
Alcyon 1/150 1971 s-h Amphitrite, Belle Etoile, Fauvette
Amerigo Vespucci 1/150 1978
Amphitrite 1/150 1969
Atlantic Star 1/440 1996 ex-Airfix
Barque de Saint Tropez 1/20 1998 wood
Beagle 1/100 1963 ex Revell
Belle Etoile 1/200 – 1/250 1970
Belle Isle ??? 1961 Ex Pyro
Bireme Imperator 1/75 1974
Bireme Imperator 1/225 1978
Bisquine de Cancale 1/40 1998 wood
Bonhomme Richard 1/500 1964 sold to Smer in 1986 (polybags bought later)
Bounty 1/87 1991 Ex Airfix
Brigantine 1/100 1971 s-h Pourquoi Pas? , Occident
C.Colomb 1/75 1991 box with S.Maria, Pinta, Nina
Cap Horn 1/150 1991
Capricorne 1/150 1979
Coffret tripack bateaux Pamir, Pourquoi Pas?, Drakkar 1996
Conquistador 1/90 1971 Santa Maria variant
Corona 1/200 1971 s-h Stella
Corsair 1/150 1984
Couronne (la) Rapid Kit 1/600 1996
Cutty Sark 1/130 1992 Ex Airfix
Cutty Sark 1/500 1996 ex Airfix
Dragon classe olympique 1/30 1998 wood
Drakkar 1/180 1986
Drakkar 1996 paper
Drakkar Oseberg 1/60 1971 S-h Reine Mathilde
Duchesse Anne ??? Schooner, ex-Pyro
Epervier 1/200 1961 Ex Pyro
Flying Cloud 1/200 1988
Galion 1/200 1970 s-h La Couronne
Galion 1/450 1977
Golden Hind 1/200 1987 Ex Revell
Gorch Fock 1/150 1977 Sold to Revell
Gorch Fock 1/600 1978
Grande Hermine 1/150 1979
Guillaume Le Conquérant 1/60 1999 (Reine Mathilde)
HMS Elizabethan 1/200 1986
HMS Victory 1/100 1979
Jonque (junk) Ex-Imai 1/60 1993
Kurun (cotre – cutter) 1/60 1984
L’Indomptable 1/200 1969 s-h Le Phénix
L’Orgueilleuse 1/500 1964
La Belle Poule 1/200 1978
La Couronne 1/200 1977
La Couronne 1/600 1982
Nina 1/75-1/90 1969
Pinta 1/90 1969
La Providence 1/500 1964
La Réale 1/450 1977 sold to LODELA
La Réale (de France) 1/75 1975
La Reine Mathilde 1/60 1971 s-h Oseberg
Santa Maria 1/270 1968 Sold to Smer in 1986, polybags bought later
Santa Maria 1/350 1996 Ex-Airfix
Santa Maria 1/75 – 1/90 1966
La Sardane 1/50 1978
La Sirène 1/150-1/200 1968 s-h Royal Louis
La Stella 1/200 1971 s-h La Corona (from Van Stok – Rotterdam drawings)
La Tartane 1/150 1979
Le Capricorne 1/150 1979
Le Chebec 1/50 1976
Le Gladiateur 1/200 1986
Le Glorieux 1/150 1978 s-h Le Superbe
Le Mataro 1/75 1969 Pinta variant
Le Phénix 1/150 1967 s-h L’Indomptable
Le Phénix 1/600 1970
Le Royal Louis 1/200-1/400 1968 s-h La Sirène
Le Royal Louis 1/600 1970
Le Saint Louis 1/200 1978
Le Soleil Royal 1/100 1974
Le Sphinx 1961 ex-Pyro
Le Superbe 1/150 1977 s-h Le Glorieux
Le Superbe 1/500 1982
Leif Eriksson 1/600 1992 box with drakkar and Reine Mathilde
Maxi Catamaran “Playstation” 1/125
Mayflower 1/150 1987 Ex-Revell
Occident 1/100 1970 s-h Pourquoi Pas? And brigantine
Occident 1/400 1973
Pamir 1/150 1973 s-h Passat
Pamir 1/750 1978
Passat 1/150 1973 s-h Pamir
Pilote de Saint Malo 1/35 1998 wood
Pourquoi Pas ? 1/100 1970 s-h Occident and Brigantine, sold to Ogoniek
Pourquoi Pas ? 1/200 1969
Pourquoi Pas ? 1/400 1973 s-h Occident and Brigantine
Preussen 1/150 1980 s-h Cap Horn
Sardinier d’ Audierne 1/35 1998 wood
Sinagot 1/60 1979
Thonier Armor 1/125 1978
Thonier de Concarneau 1/50 1998 wood