Thats wrong, I wrote an article on how to do it.
You must make sure the tops and bottom are well glued. I use liquid cement and pres them together really well.
Steps 35 & 36:
In these steps all, parts are painted flat black except the aft main rail sections. You need to start assembling the dead-eyes that hold the Backstays in place. The dead-eye assembly’s fit into the pre-cut holes in the pin rails system. In order to make as strong a model a possible you will need to CAREFULLY MATCH each part numbers and trim ANY flash away from the parts. With liquid cement carefully glue BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM dead-eyes section together and wait over night till dry. YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MADE EACH DEAD-EYE BLOCK TOUCH AND GLUE TO IT’S OPPOSITE. Check each one to be SURE the top and bottom are well glued. Once you have glued them together start one side and work your way down placing them into position. Each dead-eye should have a slight inward lean toward the center of the ship I use ACC glue to fix them in place on the pin rail system, so they won’t come loose. Once you have them in position, then place your aft rail in place. When we start to rig we will use Coats and Clark thread to make up the shrouds and rat lines.