I know das boot! I know that boat VERY well... And it's looking quite nice. The lighting is pretty cool.
I never liked the look of the sails, and really wanted to have them out and in the wind, so to speak. One thing I would seriously consider if I were to do the kit again would be to make the sails in the same way as our "Black Pearl" modeller is doing... http://finescale.com/FSM/CS/forums/659328/ShowPost.aspx
I found a great source of mini-lighbulbs at a Michael's Village Crafts by looking in the Christmas lighting stuff, and plan to use them for model lights. The little bulbs would do well for cabin with a ship like this, and burn well with AA batteries. My plans with them include lighting in the 1/1000 Polar Lights Star Trek TOS models - lighting the naselles of the Enterprise, etc.
I got just a bit further than this with my Revell Constitution, having the masts erected and contemplating the rigging. It was sitting on a high shelf to avoid toddler activity, and the family cat "Malcom" took a flying leap, sending the entire ship flying to crash into bits... that was in 1992. I enjoyed all the painting, the tying down of the cannons, etc... and it put me into a funk about model building for soooo long, I am only this last some months getting my head back into the hobby in a roundabout way.
Anyway, digressions aside... Great looking boat!
~Aric Fisher