For anyone who didn't see my previous post on the subject, this is a
recent re-issue by SMER of the ancient Aurora "Black Falcon Pirate
Ship" brig. The scale is about 1/120.
Whilst I learnt a lot about rigging, painting and assembly techniques
for sailing ship models from building this kit, it now looks
embarrassingly poor by my present standards. Apart from the lack of
shrouds and ratlines, this is partly because I rigged the model with
the wrong type of thread - it's far too "stiff" and doesn't hang
properly, not to mention being very difficult to tie. It doesn't help
that I also glued the yards on upside-down
Hence I decided to take off all the rigging, fix the upside-down yards, and re-rig the model properly!
The ship is now properly rigged, including shrouds, and I added a flag (18th-century style RN white ensign).
If I were to build this kit now I'd make a few other changes and
improvements, including adding transom windows and replacing the gun
port hatches, fife rails and ladders, but it still looks fairly good
Note that the model still has anchor chains rather than ropes
(incorrect for an 18th or early 19th century warship); the chains had
been Superglued to the hull along their entire length, as well as
painted and weathered, so I didn't want to risk damaging the hull or
the anchors by attempting to cut them off.