If you look closely at the photo you'll notice that I forgot to install
the forecastle gun tub before gluing the deck in place
I eventually managed to prise the deck off and glue the tub in place
without any significant damage to the parts, but this ought to teach me
to actually read the instructions before I glue the parts together...
Anyway, I've now started work on the bridge interior and various sub-assemblies like the guns, life rafts, torpedo tubes etc.
A few questions:
- Are the kit instructions accurate with regards to the colours used to
paint the deck, bridge interior, etc. or are there any
errors/inaccuracies? The bridge interior is specified as "stone grey"
which is actually a pale brownish-grey/cream colour (the Revell paint
of the same name is, anyway), is this correct?
- What are the "fuming sulphuric acid cans" located on the deck, and
mentioned on the kit box, for? For generating smoke when thrown into
the water? (the only purpose I can think of). Seems like a rather
dangerous thing to store on the deck of a small, fast-moving vessel!
- Were the aft mine rails installed as standard on all boats, or only those used for minelaying duties?
- Were torpedoes normally unpainted metal? The instructions specify a
dark steel/aluminium colour with a copper/bronze nose and dark grey
EDIT: Another question (sorry): - The three structures either side of
the amidships gun position, with rows of "portholes" on the top - I
assume these are skylights/air vents for the engine room? Should the
"portholes" be glazed or not?