There are two books, both by Jean Boudriot "Historic Ship Models Musee de la Marine", ISBN 0-9755772-2-0 (in collaboration with Hubert Berti)which starts with overviews of masting and rigging, lines plans and a vocabulary of nautical terms. The first model described is Le Requin, Xebec 1750 on which, I believe, Heller based their model. The second book is "Modeles Historiques Musee National de la Marine" ISBN 2-903179-43-3. This latter is entirely in French and has only a Foreword; it starts with Le Louis XV 1700 - Vasseau trois-ponts. Both books deal with different models and both were published by A.N.C.R.E. 75, avenue Georges V - 6000 Nice, France. See also Hope this helps. Flitch