I second this idea.
Check the free downloads on paper shipwright and digital navy. The models are small , but can be enlarged. These are very detailed models and look very good if care and patience is taken to construct them.
All you need is a color printer , card stock (several weights available) , an exacto type knife , a metal ruler and some paper glue and you are in business. You can find scores of free downloads of famous buildings , ships, aircraft , tanks , construction equipment , animals and cars/trucks.
Some model subjects actually look better as card models than as plastic models.An example of this is my Vickers Airship model (free download, Ralph Currell paper models) and my Gee Bee racer Fiddlersgreen.net.
At this time I am working on the HMVS Cerberus 1870 from Paper Shipwright. This is a very detailed model. I would suggest you start with a less complicated model to "get your feet wet".
I started with Lighthouses and famous buildings , many free downloads. You can also be very creative with paper because you fabricate the parts yourself. I use Future floor finish to simulate glass and acrylic paint and a very small brush to enhance surface detail.
Modeling is a fun and creative hobby in any form. Buiding models is one of the things I do to "unwind" after a long stressful day at work.
Best Regards