The vehicle sets are still on the Tom's web-site - item No.s TMWD004, -5 and -6.
These are my favourite shots of working Libertys;
gleaned from searches of the web, but there are a lot more out there.
One thing to note about the O'Brien, not reproduced in the Trumpeter kit is the section of cut-down bulwarks towards the stern as you can see on my model. This was apparently done on some, not all, Liberty's to allow the fitting of torpedo nets.
If you do a search of the forum on the word 'liberty' you'll come across many entries from the last couple of years, especially those from Chris Friedenbach who is a crewmwmember on the O'Brien. He points out many discrepancies in the kit and you can pick and choose which you think worthwhile correcting.
Have fun!