Hi everyone,
i am a 1/144 space model enthusiast and for a long time i was looking for 1/144 Astronauts/cosmonauts set but i never found it.
There are some Preiser figures that can be adapted but it is very hard work and with no good result
Till now, the only good 1/144 figure i found is Airfix Gagarin Cosmonaut of Vostok kit (...take a look at:
http://airfixtributeforum.myfastforum.org/archive/airfix-1-144-russian-vostok-sk702-a05172__o_t__t_25845.html )
Most of 1/144 Space Model Kits can be enriched by Astronauts figures letting modelers to create very nice and exclusive dioramas.
There are 1/144 Space Capsules Models (Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Vostok, Voskhod, Soyuz) that can be equiped with internal crew or with external EVA (as the first Space Walking perfomed by Russian Voskhod capsule...think how could be nice to add a Cosmonaut figure linked to a Voskhod Capsule by a thin copper wire!) ;
there are 1/144 Space Shuttle Models which modelers can enjoy with by placing crew inside or MMU/Astronauts working outside with EVA;
there are many 1/144 Space rockets Models (from American Atlas to giant Saturn or Soviet A-2) where 1/144 walking to capsule Astronauts/cosmonauts can be placed in Tower Launch Ramp
...and do not forget Moon soil, where American Astronauts printed their footprints!
Recently i found a 1/144 dedicated web Forum where i read that a user (its nick is CGD ) is able to 3D print any commissioned set...i asked him to print Astronauts/cosmonauts and we are working around.
If you are interested in 1/144 crew for your Capsules/Shuttles or in a EVA MMU near Mir or ISS, write me or contact him in:
I'll post some pic of incoming 1/144 figure as soon as CGD send it to me