Several hurdles there.
First off, the 3D scan of the parts sprues, is, in fact, a 1:1 copy of IP. Since that's not for an excerpt or quotation, that act would require the IP owner's permission.
Next, there's a rather large question of finding the correct company to do the scan, and what will it cost for the accuracy you will want (remember any error you allow at 1/48 will be four times as large when blown up to 1/24).
Next, the material used as feedstock for the 3d printer matters. You have to allow for how materials form when printed. Which will affect every locating pin and hole, every lip and notch, every rabbet, etc. You have to know, absolutely, while building the solid model--whether in Solidworks, AutoCAD, CATIA, LightWave, Solid Edge, even Sketchup.
After that, you have to source the print provider.
Now, if you own a full set of the 1/48 spriues, a 3D scanner, a CAM program, and a 3d printer; then, no real problem.
Well, other than the normal ones. Like I've never ever, not once ever, been able to just insert a scanned model of anything into CAM without having had to massage it heavily through CAD first. Which always requires having to go back an measure the prototypes (or their plans)