That's great Dana!! You do incredible work!
Concerning your webpage; Did you intend to disable the "scroll" for the left (directory) frame? Just wondering.... I checked some of your other post, and noticed this was mentioned by others who could not see your "Studio" link, and you replied; "Your browser might not be set up to see the whole page". On your main Index html page, if you'll enter
"AUTO", instead of
"NO" in the
SCROLLING command for your
"leftFrame" link, your page will be more user friendly to
those visiting who may not "have their browser set up to view the whole page"....
(to those of you who cannot see all of his links, at the top of your browser page click "View" then "Full Screen", or hit the "F11" key..... then after you're finished, click the "Restore" button between the "-" and "+" buttons at the upper right of the window.)
Just a friendly FYI from one webmaster to another.
Take care and thanks for the post!
Take care,