Yes David! That's the new beast and I can't wait to see it liftoff. Also not to miss is the launching of STS-121 on saturday afternoon at 3:49pm. This will be critical, if any failure occur to that flight, you can bet the ISS development would be seriously limited.
A funny fact is I only missed one launch and one landing of all the space shuttles missions ... the launch was chalenger in 1986 and the landing was Columbia in 2003. Isn't it weird? I've watch all other launch and landing live (or at least as soon as any tv channel was broadcasting it) often getting the alarm clock to wake me up during the night. Now I don't want to miss any of those since I feel guilty about these failures.
I expect the new spacecraft launch to be as spectacular as the Saturn V was. Have you ever seen the "Spacecraft films" documentary on the Saturn V launches? That's simply incredible.
No matter where you go ....... there you are.