The large solar arrays are smooth with small straight lines. I have
decided to do another coat of Tamiya Gold ( thinned more), as BMF is
just to expensive. It would cost me $35 to do them in BMF.
I know what you are talking about with the wrinkly look. I would like
to try to do this on other parts with aluminum foil. Its too hard for
me as I've tried this to no success on the modules requiring this.
Its not coming out too bad though, all things aside.
It has been my longterm experience that when a metal paint is sprayed
over with either future or MM gloss........that the paint will lose
some of its metal looking qualities that we are trying for in the first
place. So I will have to think about whether to overspray the gold to
get more gloss effect. The Tamiya clear blue also looks like candy so
I'm not too thrilled with it on large surfaces.
Comments welcome please.